We provide geotechnical engineering, engineering geology and inspection services with local knowledge to conveniently serve the Central Coast.

San Luis obispo

220 High Street

San Luis Obispo, California 93401


santa maria

1021 Tama Lane, Suite 105

Santa Maria, California 93455


santa barbara

327-A E Haley Street

Santa Barbara, California 93101


Whether you’re in the planning, design, or construction phase of your project, GeoSolutions provides local geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, and construction/special inspection services.


geotechnical engineering

We provide geotechnical investigations, testing, and recommendations during the planning and design phases of your project. Services include:

Soils Engineering Reports

Percolation Testing

Infiltration Testing

Drywell Testing

Contact us for your geotechnical needs.


Engineering geology

We investigate geologic hazards during the planning and design phases of your project. Services include:

Engineering Geology Investigation

Coastal Bluff Evaluation

Fault Investigation

Landslide Evaluation

Contact us for your geologic needs.

Special inspection

We provide full soils testing, special inspection, and welding inspection services during the construction phase of your project. Inspection services include:





Epoxy Inspection

Contact us for a full list of inspection services.