Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
We provide field investigations, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering design and recommendations for a range of projects. Typical geotechnical engineering services include:
Shallow (conventional) and deep foundation (cast-in place caissons, helical pier, or driven piles) design
Seismic parameters
Retaining wall parameters
Pavement design
Liquefaction analysis
Slope stability analysis
Percolation and infiltration testing
Drywell performance testing
Whether it’s our solid-stem Mobile B-24, track-mounted hollow-stem CME 55, or limited access drill rigs, we provide subsurface exploration and sampling for any project from big to small. We provide exploratory borings for preliminary investigations as well as percolation and infiltration testing.
Soils and Materials Testing Laboratory
Our extensive in-house soils laboratory provides a variety of soils and material testing services. Laboratory tests are performed in general accordance with industry standards (ASTM/AASHTO). To ensure proficiency with such standards, GeoSolutions participates in the following:
Division of State Architect (DSA) Laboratory Acceptance Evaluation (LEA) Program
Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) Laboratory Inspection and Proficiency Sample Programs
AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP)
Caltrans Joint Training and Certification Program (JTCP)
Please contact us for a full fee schedule of laboratory tests we provide.